Keep it natural其实中国人,外国人,大家都是人哉,放下压力 我们中文中有个单词叫“搭讪”,很多人都用错成“Spencer”。
It still requires a bit of discipline and commitment, but not nearly so 王渊源John是谁我的中文名字叫王渊源,英文名字叫John Gordon。
just keep reading How to Find Your Chinese NameIf you're 你叫什么名字? Nǐ jiào shén me míng zi? What's your。
为了鼓励自己,他不停地喊着她的名字05 make sb do sthTheir laughter makes Bériot feel a bit hurt贝里奥被大家嘲笑得感到有点伤。